Other sources of employment by Alhadji Baba

The tea estate and Ranch are not the only business ventures operated in Cameroon by Alhadji Baba. He owns several other enterprises in Douala and Yaoundé. In addition to a wheat processing unit and electronics malls, Baba owns a Satellite TV Channel in Douala known as DBS - DAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM. It is the first true indginous TV Channel in the country and the region. Its programs are in French, English, Fulfulde, Hausa, Sawa, Pidgen and many other national languages.
Alhadji Baba also owns and operates varying forms of business enterprises allover the world.
His main investments out of Cameroon are based in South Africa and… In South Africa,… In…,  
One can conveniently conclude that Alhadji Baba is almost every where around the world providing hundreds of job opportunities to people of various nations.

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