Ndawara is a resort town founded by Ahmadu dan Pullo, father of Alhadji Baba dan Pullo. Ahmadu dan Pullo was a Fulani pastoralist who first occupied the site making it a pastoral farm where he kept and bred cattle, sheep and horses. It is now transformed, by his son Alhadji Baba dan Pullo, into a modern agro-industrial complex. Ndawara is naturally located in the highland region of Cameroon . A mountain range extending from the Mambila plateau in the Adamoua to Mount Cameroon in the coastal regions. Whatever the direction from which one moves to Ndawara, ascending a steep hill is inevitable. At the summit of the hill, low gradient slopes converge from all directions to a plain hosting the main settlement known as Ndawara. From a distant, an imposing structure could be seen at the centre of the settlement and ware houses could also be distinguished. The converging gentle slopes are carpeted by the tea plant with furrows complementing the view to give the impression of a giant green carpet in black bias. The whistling of some rare species of birds could be heard from a distance as they fly to and fro above the beautiful settlement and open fields surrounding it. Horses and ostriches could be spotted on the fields here and there. Ndawara is undoubtedly one of the best touristic sites to visit in Africa.
The private sector in free economies accounts for a larger part of the job market. That's why some refer to it as the engine of market economic systems. The entrepreneur is the pilot of the private sector on whom its success or failure largely depends notwithstanding the responsibilities of governments as facilitators. My intention is to use this blog to portray an example of a highly successful entrepreneur from a developing country for other businessmen and women to emulate.
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